Our Mission

We partner together as churches to fulfill the great commission.

Who We Are


What We Do

Our desire is to provide Encouragement, Engagement and Expansion through a strategic plan of partnering together.

One of the keys to this is communication.

Our goal is to communicate the value of cooperative ministry and mission.

We want every church, regardless of size or need, to be encouraged and engaged in kingdom work.


Our goal is to connect our pastors, staff and laypersons from our community of churches through fellowship, the exchanging of ideas and partnership opportunities through ministry and missions together.


Our goal is to provide leadership development and skill development that will equip pastors, staff and laypersons for ministry in and through the local church. Connecting the mission force to the mission field.


Our goal is to resource our pastors, churches, and laypersons with the tools to adopt churches needing a healthy partner. Revitalize, Replant, and plant when the need arises through strategic state convention and associational partnerships. Creating pathways through strategic planning will lead to a discipleship pipeline of encouraged, equipped, and engage leaders. With the goal of healthy pastors, healthy churches and healthy multiplication of our mission and ministries.




As an association of Southern Baptist Churches within North Pulaski County, Arkansas, our core doctrinal beliefs are in line with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. In addition, we are committed as an association to the following core values:

  • Prayer:

    We are resolved to be in continual prayer in order to discern and follow God’s will as well as seeking revival and spiritual awakening among our churches.


    We are resolved to be evangelistic in all we do as an association of churches in order to see the community around us saved by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


    We are resolved to respect and show appreciation for the autonomy of the local church.


    We are resolved to maintain a commitment to cooperate in fellowship, ministry, and missions together as member churches for mutual encouragement and the furthering of God’s kingdom, both here and abroad.

If your church’s mission aligns with ours and you would like more information about becoming a member church of North Pulaski Baptist Association, please contact us.

Our Leadership

Greg and Martha have been proudly serving in their respective positions for 4 years in 2024!

  • Associational Mission Strategist

    recently moved here from Jacksonville, Florida. My wife Denise and I have been married for over 33 years. We have four children; Ashlea who is married and lives in Alexandria, Va; Jordan and Kayla who are twins and live in Texas, and our youngest son Hunter who lives in Jacksonville, Fl. We are blessed!

    I recently began my work here in the NPBA on August 1, 2020. We live in Jacksonville, Arkansas and love working with our pastors and churches. The NPBA represents over 50 churches in North Little Rock, Sherwood, Jacksonville, Cabot and Scott.

    My desire as your AMS is found in Philippians 1:3-5 (ESV) which says “I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”

  • Administrative Assistant

    Martha is a mother, a wife, and a follower of Christ. She loves theology and is an avid reader and podcast listener. She also enjoys gaming and British period dramas. Her earnest desire is to be useful to the Lord; serving in her home, in her church, and at the North Pulaski Baptist Association.